Tuesday, March 2, 2010

So you had a bad day

I officially hate being a little girl.  I hate that anyone can sway me with a kind word, that i can't "man up" and stick to my guns and that ... i am me sometimes!
To make a bad situation worse i slipped on wet mat and poured hot coffee grounds on myself this morning.  2nd degree burn on my face and 1st degree burns all over my arms.  I was wheeled out on a stretcher in front of our morning crowd of customers.  I was asked "do you have anyone?" and with hubby gone my answer was sadly, no.  I was alone in an ambulance crying.  STUPID.
So here i am; gauze wrapped body soaking my cardi  (BRAND NEW by the way, i got it in the mail yesterday!)in stain remover in pain and craving a hug from my beloved.  Stupid TDY do you really need him as much as i do?
Off to do my Accounting midterm... the day just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?

Did somebody say chocolate?

Could be my LARGE hormonal gland!


  1. Oh Brittany, *Hug* through cyberspace. I hope the rest of your day goes much better. Feel better and enjoy the chocolate for me too.

  2. Oof. When it rains, it pours, right? Hang in there! Nick will be home before you know it!

  3. If I were there I'd fix us both a Malibu and DC and give you a hug. =)

  4. Thanks Ladies! P.s. Nissa i was on pain killers or i so would have been there!

  5. I love you so much sissy! When would you like to have a skype date with me? =D I'll sing you some songs!


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