Monday, March 8, 2010


Why hello delicious sandwich, i love you.
Seriously, Guacamole, cress sprouts, roast beef and pepper jack HELLO!

Fennel, don't get too comfy i haven't decided how i feel about you yet.  
Seriously, don't make fun of me...
BUT i randomly pick stuff out at the grocery store and then come home and make up stuff.
I had NO idea what vegetable this was when i grabbed it... 

but what better time but the present to try new things right?  So here we have roasted fennel i just added garlic, salt and pepper with a squirt of olive oil.  It's not my fave but it might be fun to throw in with other roasted vegetables since it had a random sweet taste.

I am seriously trying to get into Artichokes, i love them marinated and in things... but i have been buying fresh ones and trying... no go so far.  These were roasted and i stuffed them with Spinach, cheese, garlic...
Truthfully you are no friend of mine if you don't taste good stuffed with those three ingredients.

Message in a bottle baby shower invitations for the nautical baby shower!

To reward myself for finishing my midterms i had a little drink that i HATE TO CALL (shh... sex on the beach) SERIOUSLY can it have another name... It is tasty but i blush anytime i order one)

How cute is this blog?
P.s. that is a link ^ not me saying that about MY blog!  :)

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