Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Accomplished item #1

As you can see on my side bar, i am attempting a long to do list while Nick is away. 
My favorite quote:
 "Faith is taking the first step 
even when you can't see
 the whole staircase."  
Martin Luther King Jr.

Nick's favorite quote:
"Even if you are on the right track,
You will get run over if you just sit there."
Will Rogers

 One thing down... a trillion and one to go, but at least one thing is done right?  Here is my trio collection of paintings.  Now i must give my self a mani due to all the splattered paint on my nails. 

 These will hang here (instead of our mismatch collection) once the hubby is home and can figure out how to mount my flat paneled canvases.  :)

Oh and here is our neighbor.  He loves me and i want to hug him.


  1. I've used some flat panels before to... I just removed the glass in the fame and it totally worked. I love your artwork. I would totally sell them in the shop! - Jill :)


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