Monday, August 22, 2011

Okay so updates:
I wore fake eyelashes 3x last week, was only called out once.
We spent $102.10 on groceries this week but added things like slim fast, cottage cheese, vanilla (for coffee mmm...) trash bags, etc.  So we probably spend $80 on the meals :)
I made two copies this week:
 1) a pair of tall socks
 Okay, so i didn't make them this week.  But i am blogging about them this week.
They aren't as cute as the other socks, but they are $50 cheaper :)

2) donut scarf
oh and day 2 of Jillian (the second time) was the worst so far.  ICK.
Oh well, today's a new day


  1. Is that a pick off the scarf you made? If so I like it so much better than the one you posted with the link before (that the other lady made)! I'd actually wear yours!


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