Monday, August 22, 2011

"I'm not about to give up"
mom's song :)
So today was day 3, rest
but instead of rest i hit the gym family room stye with two of my ladies 
WALKED at 3.0 no incline for 25 minutes 
(insert mocking voice here)
Note: I am NOT boasting about this lamo "workout"
actually it should probably not even be in quotes...
BUT for dinner we had the chipotle steak salad from PW
recipe a few blog posts ago...
and to wrap up
(maybe i posted this already?)
I made PW's coffee
We liked it, well let me rephrase that; we liked it $2.50 for a week's worth of coffee like it.
I ended up just trying a few different things.  I thought the sweetened condensed milk was too sweet and it still tasted like strong coffee. BUT again i was going to LEARN to like it for $2.50 a week! SHOOT!
But, now i really do like it.
Mine looks like this.
I bought some vanilla (torani) syrup and added that and just plain ol' milk.
Glad i figured out how we like it because i hate to be a broken record but SHOOT $8 for 3 weeks :)  
Dave Ramsey would be proud!

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