Saturday, August 20, 2011


Have you seen Couples retreat...
So today i RE-started Jillian's Michaels "Making the Cut"
I skipped three days in a row so... here i am at day 1 again.
This was the worst day yet.
Let's not start over again...
So here i am to list my encouragements...
-Next time we get pregnant i don't want to BALLOON up, it was hard losing the weight and now that i have it does NOT look the same, i don't want it to be as bad the next time (crossing fingers).  I gained 38 pounds with Jack which is only 3 more than (cough, the high end) of the suggested average 25-35 lb weight gain.
-I want to not have to do the pants dance when putting on my size 6 jeans.
-I don't want to wear spanks for the rest of my life (yes, i now wear spanks...) to get away from my acquired muffin top.
- I don't want to be 156 lbs ever again.  (yes, that is what i now weigh after a nice 10 lb increase in america)
- I want to be able to run around with Jack, i want to have enough endurance to play with him or even just carry him which is taxing right now.
- I don't want the disgust of getting dressed every day to rule my life like it is now.  I want to be healthy and not worry about bad angles (360).  haha.

I would like my arms to look like Julie Bowen's nothing crazy but beautifully toned.
and Jessica's legs
I am not looking for a six pack or anything but the sludge that hangs over my pants has GOT-TA-GO!

Here is to day two!  

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