Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mail and other fun things

Good things come in the mail!
A card from lovely Sara
Dearest Sara,
This is EXACTLY why you are my favorite person.
You do not have to apologize for using a Christmas stamp on a 
card you sent to me, but i agree that Christmas is cuter
 than the liberty bell!  I love you, I love mail, and i love that you write 
ALL OVER the card.  :)

These are my new address labels!  FOR FREE
Thank you Vista Print

Here is my Easter Basket from mom and dad
YES, i DO still get an easter basket even though i am 23 years old!
A rather terrific Easter basket if you ask me...
2 dresses, red tea, candle, loofah, lotions, martha mini cookbook,
bee spoon rest, candy and a bee happy key chain.  
LOVE IT!  Thank you mom and dad!
PLUS everything in the box was wrapped in Easter colored tissue paper, my mom is adorable!  :)

Peacock notes :)

Good things should go back out in the mail:

Soon to be wrapped and sent out...
This is a VERY late birthday present
Kari's Birthday was February 4 and today is April 13...
Stupid Mail!
Lobster Bath hoodie for baby Johnny that might not even FIT baby Johnny anymore!
She loves lobsters... 
I love themes...
This is what happens when the two collide!
Her Vegan Lobster cake
Happy ( cough... late... cough)  Birthday Kari!
Isn't her hat ADORABLE!

1 comment:

  1. you are so sweet! johnny luuurves his towel! i love the theme! xoxo!!


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