Friday, April 16, 2010

I have a bun in the oven! :)

So here is my official first pregnancy post!
We are pregnant!
Here is the proof!

I will now be blogging about the pregnancy at this location:

How we found out:
I woke up and took the test, it came out positive so i called Nick, he didn't answer and i took this as a sign that i should tell him in at least an attempted cool way... so i took a shower
I checked that the test was still positive about 3 more times before leaving the house.
I wanted to get baby balloons and tie them to "What to Expect When You are Expecting" and surprise him while he was teaching.
My plan was foiled.
The Bx did not have the book, the craft store was closed and the flower shop was out of helium.
I bought some baby colored balloons and held them in my hand :(
THEN our camera stopped working right when i was trying to tell him... so no picture of us crying...
because we both did! :)

First Prego Pic:

Who was the first to know?
Denise Robinson
Nick's coworker and our friend.
She came into his office and found me reading Fit Pregnancy then i asked her to take pictures of me telling Nick with our broken camera! lol

Who was the first family member to find out (We had to wait for America time)?
Poppa Wirth: Future Grandfather extraordinaire

Expected Due Date:
December 18, 2010

Girl: Addison Grey Cooley
Boy: Jack ----- Cooley
I STILL like Thunder...
Jack Thunder Cooley (lol)
i also like 
Jack Sawyer Cooley
Nick says no... and it's his son too...

How i have been feeling:
ight... i feel nauseous all the time but have not spilled a cookie ;)
I feel achey but not tired
I feel scatterbrained, i have lost my good memory and my mind is a million places all at once!

To prove my mind is everywhere:
P.s. do you dance when you are brushing your teeth?
We do, Nick and I have dance off's in the morning or we make up routines...
I like us.  :)


  1. OMG!! CONGRATS!! that is so exciting!
    ps i love your baby belly pic i cracked up.
    pps... addison. love it. and i love jack also i told yontz that is we had a boy i wanted that name. he just doesnt get it.
    ppps... i am so jealous of your dance-offs.

  2. Brittany!!! I am soo happy and excited for you!! Keep updating us with posts too! :) Miss you, and wish we could sip tea together!

    Here, you'll like this!



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