Friday, January 29, 2010


Here are the recipies you requested:

Chocolate Cheesecake Bars
20 oreo's
3 T melted butter
1 T sugar
1/2 t ground coffee beans
1/4 t salt

8 oz. semisweet chocolate finely chopped
8 oz. cream cheese room temp.
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup sour cream
2 eggs room temp

4 oz. bittersweet chocolate chopped
2 T butter
1 t light corn syrup
2 T sour cream room temp.
(You can add crushed candy canes on top... but we liked it better without)

Process the crust ingredients together in the food processor, press into your foil lined 8" dish and bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

Melt the chocolate for your filling in the microwave(2-4 min.) blend the cream cheese, sugar and sour cream in the food processor until smooth. Add the eggs. With the processor running, pour the chocolate into the other ingredients and mix until smooth. Pour the filling over the crust and bake until filling puffs slightly around the edges 25-30 min. Cool.

Put the chocolate, butter and corn syrup in a bowl and microwave 2 min or until melted. Stir and add the sour cream. Spread over your warm cake. Refrigerate over night.

P.s. this is also VERY good hot... i don't know what they were thinking assuming i could let this goodness sit in my fridge overnight while my mouth was watering!

Yam Shake

1 cup almond milk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup baked, chilled and peeled yam
1/2 juicy orange, peeled duh
1 T flaxseed oil (yes, I sat there and cut open pills.)
1 T raw rolled oats
1/2 t ground cinnamon

Blend and drink, that easy.

Portabello Tenderloin
2 T butter
2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup green onions
3 portabello mushroom caps, sliced
1/2 cup red wine
1 1/2 lbs. beef tenderloin (it is supposed to be buffalo, but i am not that brave)
garlic,salt and pepper
3 slices turkey bacon

In a skillet add the butter, garlic, green onions and mushroom caps. Saute 1 min. and add red wine. Simmer until all the liquid is dissolved. Lay the mixture down the center of the tenderloin and roll. Secure with toothpicks, twine or the handy dandy rubberbands that go into the oven (Thanks Ricky & Nissa). Bake at 300 until the meat is done to your liking. I baked for 15 min. (mine was thin though).

Coconut Shake
2 cups vanilla almond milk
1 1/2 frozen bananas
2 light coconut milk ice cubes (yup, just pour the milk into your ice cube tray and freeze)
1 t honey
Sprinkle of nutmeg

Blend and sprinkle....

Thai spiced mango and prawns
5 T coconut milk
1 T thai red curry paste
2 T fresh cilantro chopped
1 small red chili, seeds removed and chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 lime (juice & zest)
2 ripe mangoes
2 lbs. Tiger prawns
2 t coconut oil (I couldn't find any gotta love Germany, so i omitted completely and the dish was fine!)

Truthfully... I threw it ALL in the pan and cooked it until done.

Curried Quinoa Greens with Coconut Dressing

2/3 cup quinoa
2 1/2 cups water or vegetable broth
3 cups kale, chopped
1 t curry powder
pinch salt
3 T light coconut milk
2 t lime juice
1/3 t curry powder
1/3 t agave nectar (I couldn't find this... i did now... anyway i used peach... it was good too!)
1/3 cup peanuts

In a dry saute pan heat quinoa for 5-6 min. on medium. It will pop, fun! Add everything down to the salt, cover and raise temp to high. Let the quinoa absorb the liquid 15 min. Transfer to a bowl.

Mix the rest, pour over quinoa and toss.

Spiced Pear Sorbet
4 anjou pears
1/2 cup pear juice or apple cider
1-2 T ginger juice (grate the ginger then squeeze the juice out of the shavings. Please do not cut your finger like I did)
7 whole cloves (I would use half)
2-3 T crystallized ginger
1/4 t vanilla

Cut the pears into 8ths. In a sauce pan toss your pears slices, juices, and cloves. Bring to a rapid boil, stir and cover lowering the heat. Simmer 10-20 min until the pears are very soft.

Transfer to a bowl, cover and freeze over night.

Remove the bowl and thaw. Process the crystallized ginger until pebble size, remove to a dish. Process the pears until creamy. Stir in the vanilla and ginger, serve.

Thank you Nissa for the signiture :)

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