Monday, February 1, 2010

Valentine cake rounds

With Valentines Day just around the corner, and my love of holidays, I decided to have a craft/baking project a day to get into the Valentine Mood! 
Day 1
Cake looking truffle things...
Bakerella calls them cake balls but that just sounds weird and unappetizing to me.

The link to the original recipe is here:

I didn't want to use cake mix, although maybe i should have because my cake wasn't red, it was mauve.  :)
Truthfully, i think it was because i used the $1, 4 color kind of food coloring instead of the good stuff.
I used Paula Dean's Red Velvet cake, here:

I baked the cake, let it cool in my large bowl, added the homemade creamcheese frosting, and mixed.
I used an ice cream scoop sprayed  with pam to make the balls. 
I froze them as the directions said, and rolled them in the chocolate.
I also made some MORE frosting and colored it to pipe on the X's and the O's. 
I made some lips and hearts too... they are not pictured for a reason! 
Here is my finished product:

Come back tomorrow for more Valentines fun!

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