Friday, November 6, 2009

Warm dinners & crazy friday

We were going to have TV dinners (I know, i know) because i haven't been feeling well... but then i really wanted some mussels.  Yes Shannon, we did have them chillin' (literally) in our freezer for such a time as this.  I bought them inspired by our trip to Belgium, granted they weren't as tasty as the ones we ate there, but we liked them and i think Grandma would be proud.

White wine, cream/milk, can of tomatoes, onion, garlic, whatever you've got!

The next day still not feeling well, i figured i could talk Nick into some grilled cheese if i spiced em up a bit.  This is what happened.  Flax seed bread YUM!!! New fave for sure!  Basil, cajun turkey and mozzerella, grilled until warm through.  Tomato soup with shredded carrots, basil, milk and red pepper flakes.

Then we chose to spend our friday night embarrassing ourselves.  We went to a "ball" on base, our group of friends decided to dress up in ridiculous outfits for said event.  Nick and I were the only ones to show... or so we thought.  Here we are looking crazy on our friday night!

Yup that's my hot hubby!
Oh, and don't feel bad for us.  We still had a ball making up songs on the way home!

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