On our last trip home (this last week, for 3 days) I realized that almost everyone we run into has the same questions: What is your favorite place you have visited and what do you miss about America. Well, and do you like Germany... so now i shall answer those questions for all of you curious cats.
My favorite place we visited was Ireland. Nick and i hands down agree upon this. Dublin is SUPER cute, it is quaint. It is what i always thought Europe would be like with it's cobble stone roads and cozy bars all jumbled together, sweet people, live music, terrific food and beer all around. You just fit right in, they don't care if you "look American". Nobody looks twice. Just jump in and have some fun. It was relaxing to not worry about sticking out like a sore thumb. We enjoyed the water (seeing it not going into it) and the countryside... it was magical.
We like Germany, we don't LOVE Germany. It is terrific for traveling purposes, super close to TONS of countries and cheap flights to the not so close ones. (like $20) :) I sound spoiled right now complaining i know... but we miss family! It is so hard being away from our loved ones ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME. Our friends, our family, our circle. When you have a bad day you can't run home to mom and jump in her bed in your pj's and watch movies, leaving crumbs behind for dad :) ... you can't have coffee with a friend in the middle of the week. You can't... this leads me to the next answer
I miss washing machines/dryers!!! This sounds stupid but at mom's house it took me 80 minutes to do a load of laundry, wash AND dry. You want to know how long it takes me here? 88 minutes to wash and 108 minutes to dry!!!! WHAT! AND on top of that our machines can hold HALF the clothes that American ones can. HALF. okay i am done.
Next, grocery stores. America has EVERYTHING, i am talking a whole aisle of yogurts, we have like 10 to choose from. You have an aisle of baby wipes, we have 2 to choose from. You have healthy options, we have freezer HUNGRY MAN tv dinners. You have produce, ours is rotten in 2 days. Yours is open 24/7 our is open 6 days a week 9-5. Yours is 3 minutes from your house, ours is 45.
People speak english in America.
Target. If you want a table cloth, get in the car and get it. You will be home in 10 minutes with said table cloth. If i want a table cloth i get on Amazon and find one that will be here in 6-8 weeks.
I follow tractors home. YES, tractors.
You have TV with real commercials that you probably mute because you find them so annoying. I have military people on my tv who make commercials about not beating your wife or how to organize your important documents.
You have Starbucks with happy hour and options. You have restaurants besides subway, taco bell and burger king.
You don't have a gas ration card. You can turn right on red lights. You HAVE stop lights. You have movies in theaters on time. We get them in theatre when they are out on DVD.
Okay i am going to stop because i just sound like a brat and i actually worked myself up over wanting to live in America.
Declutter Challenge: Organizing Kitchen Drawers
Declutter Challenge: Organizing Your Kitchen Drawers. Discover how to
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1 week ago
Haha you worked me up too! And that's only just the tip of the iceberg... Oh man!