Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Military mommies

So... maybe i am ultra fiesty from his extra hormone crud going on in my bod at the moment or maybe it is just because i spent the last 9 days at the airport terminal not only stressing out about getting home in time but also being surrounded by annoying people.  First let me just say that if you are late for roll call you shouldn't get on the plane.  Didn't your mother every teach you the importance of being on time!  Now onto more important things... my anger toward these women who call themselves military mommies but do not act like they have children or at least aren't understanding the significance and impact that their child rearing will have on the lives of their children and on their future.  I am not sorry if this offends you because if it does then maybe you are one of them...

1)  I don't know what your 5 yr old did to make you think they deserved a slap across the face... but maybe don't slap your child across the face... he is 5!
2) If your child is misbehaving and you say "one more time and you won't get..X.." follow through.  You are teaching them how to push your buttons!  DUH!
3) If one of your children is in my louis vuitton bag handing my oreo's to her sister who is standing on my ugg's... maybe stop them.  I don't know!!! PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CHILDREN.
  (yes this happened, maybe i should have spoken up but... maybe watch your own children.  I definitely did not offer them my oreo's.)
4) your 6 year old was not put on this earth to carry a car seat around or pick up YOUR trash... just sayin.

I need to go breathe... i am getting worked up again! 


  1. Oh Brittany, *Hugs*
    Breathe, just Breathe.

  2. LOL at the picture of some random mom. and the girl who has the steam coming out of her ears looks a little like you.

    but yeah... i can't stand seeing lazy parenting. see wayyy too much of it.

  3. you are so funny! I hate these military mommies too! I am grateful that I am not one of them and that my mom wasn't either!


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