Friday, August 5, 2011


Okay Jillian, let's "Make the Cut"!  Day one, let's go!
So anyone who reads this should probably keep me accountable and if you see me or pictures of me 30 days from now and i am still a fatty you should probably say something.  Just be careful because maybe you just think i am fat and i really did do the workout and diet plan... just sayin'.  My goal is to fit my jeans comfortably, to be able to wear shorts and not worry about the waves that my thighs make.  To not have a stomach shelf when i am not pregnant.  I am back down to the WEIGHT i was before getting pregnant but it DIDN'T look like this... (at least i think).  I feel fat and icky and now with my haircut i just don't even feel girly anymore.  TIME FOR CHANGE. 
side note: haha reminds me of Patch Adams "NOW IS THE TIME FOR COW!"

I would like to be able to run a couple of miles non stop.  I would like to be able to keep up with Jack when i am pregnant next time around (if we are blessed in that way).  I would like to not gain 2 pant sizes next pregnancy.  I would like to be fit and maintain while providing enough nutrients and safety for the new little nugget.  I would also (unrelated) like to be able to do a decent toe touch again.  I know that it would mean more stamina, abs, legs and a LOT of work.  But yes it's a goal.  Which brings me to my reminiscing... I am currently wearing my old cheer shoes... yes i am lame, yes i miss them.  I miss working out being fun and with my friends!  I LOVED being able to dance or do stunts that would surprise people.  I loved when people thought cheerleaders were lame and did stupid things like sitting on each others shoulders and then they would see our routines... :)  We were the bomb.  I said it.

Okay Jillian Kick my butt.

1 comment:

  1. I would also like to be able to do a decent toe touch these days!
    You are very pretty and girly and I like your hair no matter what.
    If you would like to work out and eat healthy then I support that, but you, my sweet, are not fat.
    love you lots and lots.


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